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Topsuper Medical has 2,000 square meters of modern standardized workshops, including 600 square meters of 100,000-level clean room. Factory equipped with various precision processing and testing equipment, and established "physical laboratory" and "sterility laboratory" and other testing offices. Topsuper has domestic leading modern production technology and testing methods. In 2019, Topsuper was rated as a national high-tech enterprise. And obtained the national medical device system GB9001 and YY0287 certification in 2016 and the EU EN-ISO13485-MDD certification in November 2017. Topsuper has applied for 1 international PCT patent, 36 national original invention patents, 10 invention patent certificates, and 17 utility model patents. Completed 19 device designs. As of July 2020, the company has obtained 14 Class II medical device product registration certificates and production licenses. Topsuper adheres to the innovative products developed from clinical practice, attaches great importance to the research and development of independent intellectual property rights, and bases itself on the existing basic products of surgical clinical application. Create world-class own-brand products, and cooperate extensively with other brands in the industry to provide customers with professional, fast and cost-effective products and services.
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